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Custom Displays : Tell Your Brand Story

One of the hardest tasks while in the consumer industry is to compete right off the shelf. Many clients reach out to MRL Promotions looking for solutions to stand out from their competitors without overwhelming customers. A common way to call attention in a retail setting is through POP displays; this is one of our most effective and popular solutions.

Although the underlining purpose of POP displays is to be attention grabbing, MRL has always been determined to create a durable POP display that emits the story and style of a brand. Data has shown that consumers will gravitate towards brands that understand them and emit their personality and lifestyle. For example, we would not create a flashy untailored POP display for a brand or product that targets a refined audience that appreciates the innovation and design of the products they purchase.

An example of this is our addition to the Absolut Elyx campaign. Absolut vodka introduced the public to Aboslut Elyx, a luxury expansion to their products. The focus of this product, apart from its quality, was its cohesive and modern, on-trend copper look. The company went as far as creating custom cocktails and custom barware items, all in its signature copper look.

MRL Promotions knows that your company puts great efforts in creating marketing campaigns, like that of Absolut Elyx, so we always try to create designs that will amplify these efforts and act as an enhancement of what the brand already represents. For Absolut Elyx, our team delivered a new innovative form of printing to emit a copper, foil-like and reflective print to maintain the key point of Absolut Elyx, their premium copper look.

Although this POP display was a corrugated display, MRL Promotions found ways to emit its polished premium look. There are plenty of ways to give cardboard point of purchase displays an elegant look. Most of the efforts to make a corrugated point of purchase display look premium rely on the design and finish.

Some of our POP corrugated displays were turned into bigger than life  statement pieces. One of our best representations of these efforts is our Mahou corrugated displays. These POP displays were turned into large interactive displays to frame their soccer team sponsor.

Another way to emit a premium feel with corrugated displays is to play with faux textures. The Jim Beam corrugated POP display below is a perfect example on how to get that white washed wood look on a cardboard piece. From afar POP corrugated displays can easily resemble other materials like wood and metal. The finish can be made so precise that even up close the printed design can still look very lifelike. The printing method and finish are key factors when trying to emit other elements out of a cardboard piece. The full color printing on our FEEL custom corrugated display, emits a quality that is often found in wood displays, a nice clean and glossy finish. From afar this display can easily fool anyone into thinking it’s a heavy wood fixture.


Corrugated displays are not the only option for POP displays, but it is often an inexpensive way to cater to temporary campaigns and companies looking for a less permanent display. Custom POP displays can be made from metal, wire, plastic or acrylic, wood or corrugate. All POP displays can be catered to your needs and budget and beautifully capture your brand while still being an effective marketing tool.

Check out some of our previous work below.

Have any questions about POP displays, corrugated displays or any other form of promotional advertising? Contact our representatives today and we’ll guide you through the best option for your brand and business.




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