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Glassware: Wide in Range, Specific in Purpose

From shot glasses to tumblers, glassware is used to serve many beverages such as water, spirits, cocktails, beer, and wine to name a few. Although there is a wide variety of glassware that comes in all shapes and sizes, each glass serves a specific purpose.

 Alcoholic beverages are often served in specific types of glassware according to the type of beverage being served. Common barware includes the following:

  •  Shot glasses
  • Rocks glasses 
  •  Copper Mugs
  • Champagne flutes
  •  Pint glasses and beer mugs
  • Wine and cocktail glasses

Cocktail Glassware

A must-have glass in every bar is the classic conical shape cocktail glass. Drinks such as the Martini, Margarita, or any other mixed drink is generally served in these glasses. Although it is now common for cocktail glasses to be stemless, the stem serves an important purpose that applies to many chilled or iced drinks: it allows the drinker to hold the glass without warming the drink from heat transference from a person’s hand.

Shot Glasses

Shot glasses are a staple for every bar. These short bottom-heavy glasses are designed for 1 oz to 2 oz concentrated drinks that are meant to be drunk in one go. The purpose of these glasses having thick bases is so that when they are slammed back down on the counter or table they won’t break or shatter from the force. 

Moscow Mules

Moscow mules are traditionally served in copper mugs with ginger beer and a lime. The reason behind the copper is that it contains an insulating element, which is ideal for keeping drinks cold. The minerals in copper also enhance the cocktails delicious tastes of lime and ginger.  

Beer Glasses, Mugs, and Pints

Just like wine, beer has its own list of glassware according to the specific type of ale one will be consuming. The reason why particular styles of beer are traditionally served in specific types of beer glasses is usually to enhance the aromatic compounds particular to each kind of beer.

A common glass used for serving beer that is found nearly in every bar and restaurant across the states is the 16-ounce pint glass. This type of glassware is the most basic in design and is considered the all-purpose glass.

The tall, slim base and wide-rimmed pilsner glass makes visible the clarity of pilsners and other light beers. These glasses help keep a beer’s head, where all the aromatics are retained.

Belgian style glasses also recognized as tulip glasses are designed to capture the head and promote the aroma and flavor of malty or hoppy beers. Its short and stout stature is meant to facilitate swirling, in order to release the complex flavors.

Beer mugs hold the same purpose as stemmed glasses, which is to keep the drink cold and prevent the transference of body heat from one’s hands. Nothing is worse than a warm beer.

The Weizen glass often confused with the pilsner glass is tall and curved with thin walls to showcase the color of wheat beers and to preserve carbonation. Similar to the pilsner the wide-rimmed allows for a thick, fluffy head.

Rock Glasses

Another must-have glass for bars and homes is the old-fashioned rock glass, it is a short stout glass with a wide-open bowl ideal for ice molds. These glasses are used for short mixed drinks that are served on the rocks such as the Old-Fashion and the White Russian. These glasses are also used to serve different scotch and whiskey drinks either on the rocks or neat.

 Wine Glasses

There are a numerous amount of wine glasses that are available in all shapes according to each distinct wine, but the two basic wine glasses that will be discussed in this article are the ones that most bartenders need to be concerned with:

·         White: which is taller with a narrower bowl.

·       Red: is typically rounder than its white counterpart with a wider bowl.

Whites tend to have longer stems and a narrow bowl to preserve the light, bright flavors that oxidation might compromise.

Reds tend to have a larger bowl for oxidation to take its course opening up the wines tannins and improving the overall flavor. This design allows the wine to release its natural aromas.

Sparkling wine Glasses

Last but not least the champagne glass. Bubbles are essential when consuming sparkling wine, and the slender flute-like shape of most champagne glasses helps to maintain the fizzy effect. The shape preserves the bubbles by limiting the amount of oxidation that takes place.

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